Exercise is more than just sweating it is critical for your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. When you move your body, this activates your brain to release endorphins, serotonin and dopamine. These chemicals improve depression, anxiety and trauma. They also improve memory because your emotional state is now regulated creating a more conducive brain space to take in and hold memories.
On a physical level exercise increases blood flow which then is available to the brain and muscles bringing more oxygen to your lungs and therefor your bodies. There are many options for cardio exercise, running, riding bikes, walking, swimming and aerobic exercise. Weightlifting has been shown to improve trauma symptoms as well as to activate the brain to release the “feel good” hormones into the body.
According to Kate Hays, moving your body also moves the mind, showing a connection between brain and body and how this interconnection impacts your mood positively and your choice of behaviors. This supports the finding of just exercising 1hr 3 times a week can reduce depression by more than half on the Beck Depression Inventory Scale. Exercise also improves sleep which positively impacts our brain and body. Studies of people with long term insomnia have shown negative impact on thinking, memory and physical health.
There are various types of exercise to choose from or alternate between:
- Endurance – This is cardio like biking, swimming or jogging
- Strength – Weightlifting, and resistant bands
- Balance – This is also important for the nervous system, Tai Chi, or walking heal toe.
- Flexibility – Yoga and stretching.
These can be done as a family to incorporate quality time together as well as supporting your children in learning and experiencing healthy ways to release stress and improve their focus in school.
Sweat for a good cause – your wellbeing!!