Creating Wellness

Storying: Playfulness and Wonder

In her book Writing the Natural Way, Gabriele Lusser Rico introduced the concept of “clustering” also known as “webbing,” as a creative technique to return to the playfulness and wonder of childhood storying.  Traditional schooling programs our brains to write in a prescribed way that follows a sequence of events.  When writing for school we write from the […]

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More than just sweating

Exercise is more than just sweating it is critical for your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.  When you move your body, this activates your brain to release endorphins, serotonin and dopamine.  These chemicals improve depression, anxiety and trauma.  They also improve memory because your emotional state is now regulated creating a more conducive brain space

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Art can provide the boundaries for intense and chaotic feelings, creating safety for them to be expressed in their “bigness”. Art can also be a fun way to bring family members together. It enlivens us, energizes us and is a playful way to explore ourselves. No one needs to possess great talent to do art.


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